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Who is Dara’s Boyfriend? Lovelife about Sandara Park of 2ne1

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April ,. I’ll put the possible years these rumored-to-be “couples” could’ve been dating . So don’t take this post seriously. Key: “Kara” Nicole, Hyeongseop him and key took a lot of photos together and hung out a lot so a lot of people were suspicious of them dating. They supposedly stayed in a hotel together. Especially when there was a rumor going around that a gay idol couple would be revealed, Hyeongseop suddenly deleted all their photos together.

Taemin: he said during WGM that he has dated a girl in 6th grade C , “f X ” Krystal late , Netizens say they spot him several times dating non-celebrity girls, he’s awkward with Naeun off-camera so they rarely talk to each other. Tao: Video of him kissing an unknown Chinese woman in October but clarified she was just a friend, someone from Crayon Pop. Xiumin: Apparently in a non-celebrity relationship??