Дата публикации: 23.09.2021

When you tell your friend who your crush is, and then they go and hookup with that person…

You would have favored better if you said ‘What’s it to you? Don’t come off as a nice guy, or desperate. Even in casual talk, ask her for her opinion on certain issues, views and such, and tease her about it. And if she gets feisty and argues to back herself up, challenge it.

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Then you get bored or lonely or just plain horny. Conventional wisdom states that hooking up with a guy friend is a terrible idea — you could ruin a valuable friendship, or whatever. Realistic wisdom, however, states that the occasional mistake will be made. It could turn into an awesome relationship You guys are friends for a reason. You clearly have compatible personalities.

What if you discover that you also have compatible sexual preferences? Good sex and good conversation? What more do you need in life? It’ll only be weird if one of you makes it weird Needless to say, sex can complicate things — but only if you let it. If nothing else, it’ll be a funny story down the road If this is an isolated incident, it’ll blow over quickly and soon you two will be back to giving each other noogies in no time.

Once this situation is far enough in your past, you guys will have almost as much fun joking about that time you made out as you did that time you made out. You can skip the forced conversation B.