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On May 18, , Mount St. Helen’s erupted in Washington, killing approximately 57 people. The eruption sent plumes of ash across the United States, leaving Montana in the dark. Here is some of the Billings Gazette’s coverage from that day and the days that followed. To access the Billings Gazette’s digital archvies, go to billingsgazette. Mount St. Helens spews smoke, soot and ash into the sky in Washington state following a major eruption on May 18, The eruption killed more than 50 people and blasted more than 1, feet off the mountain’s peak.

The front page of the Gazette the day after the eruption included a warning to respiratory patients as ash over the city. Ash from the eruption of Mount St. Helens covers the shoulder of a highway outside of Billings in May By May 20, Montana Gov. Thomas Judge had ordered all nonessential businesses and government offices to close as a cloud of ash spread across the state.