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When Love Isn’t Love: 15 Signs of an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

Ideally such relationships are loving and supportive, protective of and safe for each member of the couple. In extreme cases, abusive behavior ends in the death of one or both partners, and, sometimes, other people as well. Non-lethal abuse may end when a relationship ends.

Dating abuse is a type of domestic violence characterized by a pattern of controlling and sometimes violent behavior in casual or serious dating relationships.

Dating violence is a pattern of abusive behaviors used to exert power and control over a dating partner. It just recognizes that dating violence usually involves a series of abusive behaviors over a course of time. Every relationship is different, but the one thing that is common to most abusive dating relationships is that the violence can escalate over time and becomes more and more dangerous for the young victim.

Any teen or young adult can experience violence, abuse or unhealthy behaviors in their dating relationships. A relationship may be serious or casual, monogamous or not, short-term or long-term. Teens and young adults experience the same types of abuse in relationships as adults. This can include:. Maybe the abusive partner thinks they know best. Maybe they believe that they should be in charge in the relationship.

Maybe they think unequal relationships are ideal. Abuse is a learned behavior.