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“Weird Al” Yankovic

He was travelling on the Tube when he noticed that there were more women eating on the Tube than men. His friends received them well, so he decided to create a group specifically for the pictures He chose to make it all-women based because he needed a niche. However, it has now clearly gone beyond and morphed into a viral internet trend.

Transport for London has even sent out a statement saying that anyone who feels ‘threatened’ by the pictures should contact British Transport Police. Burke does not understand why women would feel threatened.

While it has its perks, being a woman on a dating site means immersing yourself in a disgusting cesspool of exposed nerves, unfiltered testosterone, and daily propositions to engage in sex acts so horrifying, I hadn’t even heard of them before, and I’m from the Internet.

So – who wants to fill us in on this website then, Mel? As part of her new autobiography, Brutally Honest, Mel, 43, spilled the secret of a dating site used by celebs in LA where potential partners are picked out by photos of their penises. The Spice Girl – who divorced husband Stephen Belafonte last year – said: Erect privates were lined up against a milk or juice carton so you could gauge the size. Then, obviously, opened it again. We spent the next few hours laughing and gawping.

I called my friend and said: It was horribly awkward and nothing happened it was obviously easier with a milk carton. ITV “I tried again with another famous penis in another hotel room.