Дата публикации: 19.02.2023

Moon rocks may have misled asteroid bombardment dating

Moon rock or lunar rock is rock that is found on the Earth’s Moon including lunar material collected during the course of human exploration of the Moon , or rock that has been ejected naturally from the Moon’s surface and which has then landed on the Earth as meteorites. Moon rocks on Earth come from three sources: those collected by the United States Apollo program crewed lunar landings from to ; samples returned by three Soviet Luna programme uncrewed probes in the s; and rocks that were ejected naturally from the lunar surface before falling to Earth as lunar meteorites.

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Samples brought back by the lunar missions. Main lunar minerals. One of the major problems encountered by mineralogists studying lunar mineralogy is due to the scarcity of lunar materials likely to be studied. Two sources of rocks and lunar minerals exist indeed, they consist in: 1 samples brought back by the lunar missions. Samples brought back by the lunar missions:. These samples contributed to a better knowledge of the Moon and about the early formation of the solar system.

One of their main interests is to have been dated by radioisotopic methods. On the whole, 97, catalogued samples were prepared by the Johnson Space Center facilities for study and analysis. Even today, more than 25 years after the lunar missions, scientists belonging to more than 60 laboratories through the whole world continue to study lunar samples. This requires for the Johnson Space Center to prepare and send to the researchers more than 1, samples every year. Studied samples remaining non destroyed or undamaged by the analyses are send back to NASA and reconditioned for a later re-use.

Because of their age, ranging between 3 and 4,6 billion years, which are seldom never met with terrestrial rocks, lunar rock are an invaluable source to improve our knowledge of the beginning of the history of the solar system.